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Members of CADEBI participate in the first International Congress of Bioethics

International Congress of Bioethics

Doctors David Cerdio, Alejandro Sánchez, Pía Canal and Ignacio Ricaud gave various conferences at this event organized by the Autonomous University of Querétaro, which dealt with global Bioethics and its impact in the 21st century.


On September 18, 2023, members of the Anáhuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI) participated in the first International Bioethics Congress “Global Bioethics and its impact in the 21st century” organized by the Autonomous University of Querétaro.


Dr. David Cerdio, coordinator of CADEBI, contributed with the presentation “Consequences of Radical Thought in the Construction of Dialogue” where he delved into the importance of adequately understanding tension and conflict in dialogue, promoted the culture of encounter in the search for convergence in the common good and the defense of the dignity of human beings.


Dr. Alejandro Sánchez, CADEBI Liaison Coordinator, presented the topic "Reflexive Bioethics: an interdisciplinary analysis" in which he used the painting Las Meninas by Velázquez to illustrate the relationship between the viewer and the observed subject, emphasizing self-reflection, and highlighted the importance of decentralizing knowledge and promoting an interdisciplinary and pragmatic approach.


Dr. Pía Canal and Dr. Ignacio Ricaud gave the conference "Artificial intelligence in clinical decision making" in which they explained the characteristics of artificial intelligence (AI), its applicability and its ethical implications, such as depersonalization, education, justice, and patient privacy, concluding that AI should be a diagnostic and treatment tool, but medical judgment and patient autonomy are still essential in medical care.


Without a doubt, these contributions significantly enriched the event and promoted a multidisciplinary dialogue in which there were deep reflections on current fundamental ethical issues around relevant issues.


Versión en español

More information:
Anáhuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethic (CADEBI)
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez