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First biannual GINE-BINCA research meeting


Students of Medicine, Biotechnology and Philosophy interested in conducting research in gynecology, naprotechnology, assisted reproduction methods and obstetrics met with Dr. Germán Carreto who spoke to them about these topics.


On September 6, 2023, the first meeting of the GINE-BINCA research lines was held, a space in which we had the participation of students from degrees such as Medicine, Biotechnology and Philosophy.


The objective of this meeting was to integrate new students interested in conducting research in the field of gynecology, naprotechnology, assisted reproduction methods and obstetrics with Dr. Germán Carreto Chávez (Health Sciences, gen. '00 and Doctorate in Bioethics, gen. '18), who leads this line of research.


The BINCA group (Clinical Bioethics and Anáhuac Neuroethics) has had academic functions of interdisciplinary discussion and research since October 2014. It is associated with the Interdisciplinary Clinical Bioethics Project to which the faculties of Bioethics, Health Sciences, Education and Humanities belong, as well as Psychology, from Universidad Anáhuac México.


In addition, it is linked to the Neurobioethics Group of the Scienza e Fede Institute, coordinated by Dr. Alberto Carrara, with the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights of the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum (UPRA) and with the European University of Rome, all of this through its chairman, Alberto García.


BINCA is made up of students, professors and researchers from any career, focused on the study of neurosciences and bioethics from the psychological, medical, neurological and legal fields. Join the team here.



Versión en español

More information:
Centro Anáhuac de Desarrollo Estratégico en Bioética (CADEBI)
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez