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David Cerdio Domínguez obtains honorable mention in his doctoral degree exam

David Cerdio Domínguez obtains honorable mention in his doctoral degree exam

In his thesis he analyzed the ambivalent crisis facing the management of chronic pain at a global level.


On February 12, Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez, assistant director of the Anáhuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI), presented his doctoral degree exam, unanimously obtaining the honorable mention.


In his thesis titled “Design and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Adherence to the Principle of Freedom and Responsibility during the Opioid Prescription Process for Non-Oncological Chronic Pain Patients”, Dr. Cerdio analyzed the ambivalent crisis facing the management of chronic pain at a global level. On the one hand, there is undertreatment of pain, leaving many patients without the necessary relief; On the other hand, an overprescription of opioids is observed, contributing to dependency and addiction problems.


From a bioethical perspective, the principle of freedom and responsibility is proposed as a possible way to solve this dilemma. Throughout his research, Dr. Cerdio developed and validated an assessment instrument to measure physicians' adherence to this principle during opioid prescribing, highlighting the physician's responsibility in protecting the patient's dignity and well-being, especially in times of vulnerability.


The synods in charge of evaluating the dissertation were made up of distinguished academics and specialists in bioethics and medical sciences:

  • Dr. Gustavo Pérez Berlanga (President of the synod) – Director of Social Responsibility of Grupo Gigante. 
  • Dr. Antonio Muñoz Torres (Secretary) – Former president of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics. 
  • Dr. José Damián Carrillo Ruíz (Member) – Director of Research of the General Hospital of Mexico. 
  • Dr. Marcos Meneses Marco (Vocal) – Coordinator of the Doctorate in Medical Sciences at the Universidad Anáhuac México. 
  • Dr. Yael Zonenszain Laiter (Vocal) – Member of the Board of Directors of the Latin American and Caribbean Federation of Bioethics Institutions (FELAIBE). 
  • Dr. Samuel Weingerz Mehl (Member) – Former president of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics and president of the Bioethics Committee of the Manuel Gea González Hospital.


After the presentation and defense of his work, the synod determined to grant him honorable mention for the quality and relevance of his research, highlighting his contribution to the field of bioethics and its impact on clinical practice.


From CADEBI, we extend our most cordial congratulations to Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez for this academic achievement and his valuable contribution to the development of applied bioethics.


More information:
Centro Anáhuac de Desarrollo Estratégico en Bioética (CADEBI)
Dr. Alejandro Sánchez Guerrero