Alongside the symposium, the 31 state bioethics commissions held their annual national meeting where they addressed practical and logistical aspects of their work.
On November 23rd and 24th, 2023, within the framework of the Symposium "Scientific Integrity as an Inalienable Principle of Bioethics in Research" held at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Queretaro, the 16th national meeting of state bioethics commissions took place. Doctors Alejandro Sánchez Guerrero and David Cerdio Domínguez participated representing the Anahuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI) and the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics.
During these days, reflection took place on scientific integrity in research as a fundamental element to be promoted by state bioethics commissions, delving into practical aspects such as "errors in data management," "scientific integrity in research committees," and "the application of scientific integrity in the social sciences." Likewise, cultural aspects were deepened upon, which have contributed to the loss of trust in scientific research.
Alongside the symposium, the 31 state bioethics commissions held their annual national meeting, where practical and logistical aspects of their diligent work were further discussed.
This event allowed CADEBI to open a space for dialogue and collaboration with the National Bioethics Commission (CONBIOÉTICA), as well as with each of the state commissioners or representatives, in order to promote and encourage a bioethical culture in our society.

More information:
Anahuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI)
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez