CADEBI: Dialogue for linkage
The ORIBI Observatory presents first results in bioethics for Latin America
The Observatory of the Ibero-American Bioethics Network (ORIBI), promoted by the Anahuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI), has established itself as a key platform to address ethical challenges in areas such as health equity, environmental ethics and artificial intelligence applied to biomedicine.
CADEBI presents the Ibero-American Interactive Atlas of Bioethics to a select group of international bioethicists
Recently, the Ibero-American Interactive Atlas of Bioethics was made known to a select number of bioethicists internationally, with the aim of inviting them to join and contribute to this important project that CADEBI has currently developed and which contains a registry of 180 institutions, 60 national and state commissions, 245 academic offers and 61 bioethics periodical publications. It will soon be available online for the entire community related to Bioethics.
Collaborative Work between the School of Bioethics, the Bioethics Centers (RUA) and CABEBI
The School of Bioethics and CADEBI are developing diagnostic, contact, reactivation and collaboration activities of the Bioethics Centers of the School of Medicine of the Anáhuac University Network (RUA). These centers aim to achieve the interdisciplinary training of RUA students in personal bioethics, which achieves citizens oriented towards social responsibility and knowledgeable about current bioethical issues.
BINCA Group presents the first Journal Club of 2025 led by Dr. José Damián Carrillo Ruíz
In this session, Dr. Carrillo, who is also part of the CADEBI Advisory Council, raised the debate on the dead donor rule in organ donation, addressing the balance between patient autonomy, medical ethics and the impact of these decisions on transplant practice.
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez obtains honorable mention in his doctoral degree exam
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez, assistant director of CADEBI, obtained honorable mention in his doctoral exam with a thesis on the prescription of opioids in chronic pain, developing an instrument to evaluate medical adherence to the principle of freedom and responsibility. His research, endorsed by a synod of experts, contributes to the field of bioethics and clinical practice.
Dr. David Cerdio begins a medical specialty in anesthesiology at the ISSSTE
With a strong background in bioethics and a firm commitment to person-centered healthcare, he will specialize in the field of anesthesiology with a vision to focus on palliative care and pain management. Your training will strengthen the integration between bioethics and medicine, consolidating your commitment to ethical and humanistic care. Congratulations on these achievements!
SIB: keynote lecture "The gender perspective in bioethics: Ethical dilemmas in clinical care?"
Martha Patricia Hernández Valdez, member of the Interdisciplinary Bioethics Seminar and collaborator of CADEBI, gave the keynote lecture "The gender perspective in bioethics: Ethical dilemmas in clinical care?" via Zoom. During the session, the main ethical challenges in medical care were addressed from a gender perspective, promoting dialogue between medicine, law, philosophy, science and education.
CADEBI receives training in Artificial Intelligence and Geospatial Research
On February 14, CADEBI received training in Artificial Intelligence and Geospatial Research with experts from the Complutense University of Madrid and Ibero CDMX. The course strengthened innovation in bioethics and the ORIBI Observatory, promoting the use of technology in applied research and interdisciplinary academic exchange.
Dr. David Cerdio Domínguez participates in the XVIII Virtual Symposium of the RPBP
At the XVIII Virtual Symposium of the Peruvian Personalist Bioethics Network (RPBP), “Global Bioethics, a new paradigm?”, the Doctor and General Coordinator of the Anáhuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics, David Cerdio Domínguez, gave a presentation focused on contemporary challenges by addressing topics such as the need to establish universal ethical frameworks that respect cultural diversity and ethical implications in technological advances in medicine.
Activities of Some of the Advisor Counselors
Happiness does not define health, warns Dr. Fernando Lolas Stepke in an interview
In an interview in the El País newspaper, Dr. Fernando Lolas Stepke, director of the Bioethics Program at the University of Chile and new advisor to CADEBI, warns that society confuses health with absolute happiness, which is unrealistic. It highlights that unwanted loneliness impacts mental and physical health, and criticizes the indiscriminate use of medical diagnoses on social networks without scientific support.
Mons. Renzo Pegoraro, reflects on the impact of artificial intelligence in the Humanity 2.0 podcast
The Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy for Life in Rome, Mons. Renzo Pegoraro, participated in chapter 24 of Humanity 2.0, in which he leads us to reflect on the impact of artificial intelligence on our lives and on society and the ethical dilemmas that arise with it.
Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
As members of the Network of Italian UNESCO Chairs, Prof. Alberto García Gómez, CADEBI advisor, and Serena Montefusco contributed a chapter titled "Sustainability for the common good, peace and justice according to the principles of global bioethics" in the edited book "Models of knowledge and dissemination for Sustainable Development" published by Springer Nature as part of the Research for Development book series.
University Bioethics Program, BIOETICAST UNAM
Dr. Jeniffer Hincapie Sánchez, director of the University Bioethics Program (PUB – UNAM) and advisor to CADEBI, participated in the 10th. Episode from season 1 of BIOETICAST with the theme “Bioethics and health care”.
Permanent Bioethics Seminar
Dr. Patricio Santillán Doherty, National Commissioner of Bioethics and advisor to CADEBI, commented on the Master conference “Epidemiological consequences of the loss of biodiversity in Mexico”, which was given by the professor emeritus of the UNAM School of Sciences, Dr. Antonio Lazcano Araujo.
Dr. Elena Postigo, participates in the Conference “Human Improvement: myths and realities”
At a recent meeting organized by the Lilly Foundation, the ethical challenges inherent in scientific and technological advances were addressed. During the day, Dr. Postigo, director of the Bioethics Institute of the Francisco de Vitoria University and advisor to CADEBI, highlighted the importance of all scientific development incorporating ethical reflection, evaluating its impact on future generations. She is currently working on the preparation of a book titled Bioethics for Future Generations, in which she will delve into these crucial issues for society.
Interdisciplinary Bioethics Seminar
Dr. Carlos Viesca Treviño, general coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Bioethics Seminar and advisor to CADEBI, coordinated the session in which Dr. Octavio Márquez Mendoza gave the Master Lecture “Bioethics at the end of life”
Dr. Rubén Revello, director of the Institute of Bioethics of the UCA and advisor to CADEBI, participated as part of the presentation of the magazine Vida y Ética at the Catholic University of Argentina.
Inauguration of the International Seminar on Ethics and Scientific Integrity
With a call to strengthen the values that guide responsible conduct in research and to reaffirm the search for truth as the foundation of science, the rector of the Finis Terrae University, Dr. Cristian Nazer, who is an advisor to CADEBI, recently inaugurated the International Seminar on Ethics and Scientific Integrity, organized by the Institute of Bioethics and the Scientific Ethics Committee of the same university.
Find all the “To Understand” manuals of Bioethics for All at this link
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