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« I Walk and I Cross the line », le cas des opérateurs transnationaux des centres d’appels au Mexique

Autor/es Anáhuac
Michael Da Cruz
Año de publicación
Journal o Editorial
Formation Emploi

Here we present three debates on the transnationalisation of the labour, employment and qualification markets. First of all, we will present call centres and their development in Mexico, positioning this development in a cycle of technical transformations. Then, we will focus on transnational operators and this transnational management of labour. Finally, we will develop a cross analysis of transnational labour markets and the Mexican case to understand its role as a laboratory. Transnational work is above all dematerialised work and the key to spatialisation is detached from the question of geographical proximity. The most typical case is the work of young people in border companies in call centres but also in software production, in all organisations whose activity is embodied by platforms, tools, algorithms whose activity can be carried out on any territory.