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An econometric analysis of private insurance in the urban and rural population in Mexico

Autor/es Anáhuac
Fernando Mariné-Osorio, José Carlos González-Núñez
Año de publicación
Journal o Editorial
Revista Galega de Economía

The objective of this work is to identify the factors that affect the purchase of private insurance in Mexico, both in rural and urban populations. A logistic model has been estimated with multiple explanatory variables obtained from the National Survey of Financial Inclusion (ENIF) 2018. The results show that the probability of having insurance is higher the higher the income and, especially, if they have a fixed periodicity, and also the higher the level of studies in the case of the urban population. Age is also a determining factor, with the probability of having insurance being higher among those over 36 years old for the urban case or for the age group between 46 and 55 years for the rural population. The characteristics common to both populations are that they keep a record of spending, live accompanied, use mobile phone and banking correspondents.