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En esta página podrá ver los artículos de nuestra comunidad académica publicados en revistas indexadas en Scopus y en el Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Divulgación Científica y Tecnológica de CONACYT.


Título Autor/es Anáhuac Journal
Material values: A study of some antecedents and consequences Rogelio Puente-Díaz Contaduria y Administracion
Creative Self-Efficacy: The Influence of Affective States and Social Persuasion as Antecedents and Imagination and Divergent Thinking as Consequences Rogelio Puente-Díaz Creativity Research Journal
Creative self-efficacy: the role of self-regulation for schoolwork and boredom as antecedents, and divergent thinking as a consequence Rogelio Puente-Díaz Social Psychology of Education
The influence of creative mindsets on achievement goals, enjoyment, creative self-efficacy and performance among business students Rogelio Puente-Díaz Thinking Skills and Creativity
An examination of certain antecedents of social entrepreneurial intentions among Mexico residents Rogelio Puente-Díaz Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios
Passenger Facility Charges in Privatised Mexican Airports Laura Sour-Vargas Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
Gobierno electrónico y corrupción en México (2005-2010) Laura Sour-Vargas Innovar: Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales
Esfuerzo fiscal de las entidades federativas mexicanas durante el periodo 2004 al 2012 Laura Sour-Vargas Economía teoría y práctica
Avances en la cantidad de la información financiera del sector público en México a raíz de la LGCG Laura Sour-Vargas Contaduría y Administración
Metodología para elaborar leyes de posibilidad de retirada del cliente: una aplicación al sector del vestido Mauricio Ortigosa-Hernández Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa
Blockchain entrepreneurship opportunity in the practices of the unbanked Guillermo Larios-Hernández Business Horizons
Value contributions of the venture capitalist in Mexico: building an exit for the investment Enrique G. Wiencke-Olivares Journal of Technology Management and Innovation
An adaptive random search for short term generation scheduling with network constraints Héctor Selley-Rojas Plos One
Phase stability in MoTe2 prepared by low temperature Mo tellurization using close space isothermal Te annealing León Hamui-Balas Materials Chemistry and Physics
Preparation of Hybrid Devices Containing Nylon/M(II)Pc-TTF (M=Cu, Zn) Films with Potential Optical and Electrical Application María E. Sánchez-Vergara Electronic Materials Letters
Mechanochemical Synthesis of YFeO3 Nanoparticles: Optical and Electrical Properties of Thin Films María E. Sánchez-Vergara; José R. Álvarez-Bada Journal of Cluster Science
Penalized least squares smoothing of two-dimensional mortality tables with imposed smoothness Eliud Silva-Urrutía Journal of Applied Statistics
Estimación de la esperanza de vida a nivel municipal y por marginación sociodemográfica: una aplicación del método de Swanson para el caso de México, 2010 Eliud Silva-Urrutía Estudios demográficos y urbanos
Infinite-horizon non-zero-sum stochastic differential games with additive structure José D. López-Barrientos IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information
Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris): A Brief Description of Nutritional and Nutraceutical Profiles for Potential Weight-Control Applications. (CAPÍTULO)  Martha M. Hernández-Ortega; Gabriela Gutierrez-Salmeán Nova Science Publishers