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En esta página podrá ver los artículos de nuestra comunidad académica publicados en revistas indexadas en Scopus y en el Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Divulgación Científica y Tecnológica de CONACYT.


Título Autor/es Anáhuac Journal
Epilepsy: A bibliometric analysis (1968–2020) of the Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía “Manuel Velasco Suarez” in Mexico Montserrat Ibarra Velasco Epilepsy and Behavior
Frailty among middle-aged and older Canadians: Population norms for the frailty index using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging Mario Ulises Pérez Zepeda Age and ageing
Pulmonary recruitment can reduce residual pneumoperitoneum and shoulder pain in conventional laparoscopic procedures: results of a randomized controlled trial Denzil Garteiz Martínez; Ernesto Rodríguez Ayala; Alejandro Weber‑Sánchez; Carlos Bravo‑Torreblanca; Rafael Carbó‑Romano Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques
Gastrointestinal coronavirus disease 2019: epidemiology, clinical features, pathogenesis, prevention, and management Lorena Tora Expert Review of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Ruptura septal de localización atípica posterior a infarto del miocardio. Caso clínico Diego Incontri Abraham Juan J. Juárez Vignon-Whaley Archivos de cardiología de México
Obligaciones del Estado Mexicano en atención del COVID-19 Agustín Herrera Fragoso Medicina Interna de Mexico
HPV Vaccination in Difficult Setting Population Elsa Díaz López Indian Journal of Gynecologic Oncology
Molecules linked to Ras signaling as therapeutic targets in cardiac pathologies Miguel Ramos Kuri Biological Research
Un sistema constructivo apropiable adaptado a México: El caso de la familia Domínguez Rodrigo Durán López AUS
Casa de la Asegurada: A Collective Housing Facility for Women Development in Mexico Rodrigo Durán López Buildings
The 360° Curvilinear Perspective: A Hybrid Hypercubic Angular Space Grid Based on the 1968 Barre and Flocon proposal Julián Santoyo Nexus Network Journal
Evaluation of Medical Care for Diabetic and Hypertensive Patients in Primary Care in Mexico: Observational Retrospective Study Armando Barriguete Meléndez Journal of Diabetes Research
A constrained markovian diffusion model for controlling the pollution accumulation José Daniel López Barrientos Mathematics
From Chutes and Ladders to No Te Enojes: Simulation of two (moral) random paths José Daniel López Barrientos Teaching Statistics
Growth and structural characterization of doped polymorphic crystalline mgpc as an organic semiconductor León Hamui-Balas; María E. Sánchez-Vergara; Rocío Sánchez-Ruíz Crystals
Traffic-signal control reinforcement learning approach for continuous-time Markov games Román Aragón-Gómez Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Carcinoma basocelular metastásico Diana Aguilar-Medina Dermatología Revista Mexicana
Cognitive and clinic profile of volatile substance users Ernesto Reyes-Zamorano Salud mental
Psychological impact of sociodemographic factors and medical conditions in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico Diana Betancourt-Ocampo; Alejandro González-González; Héctor Romo-Parra; Aldebarán Toledo-Fernández; Ernesto Reyes-Zamorano Salud mental
More than medication: Evaluating the role of the pharmacist independent prescriber in a community team for learning disabilities and behaviours deemed to be challenging Yitka Graham British Journal of Learning Disabilities