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En esta página podrá ver los artículos de nuestra comunidad académica publicados en revistas indexadas en Scopus y en el Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Divulgación Científica y Tecnológica de CONACYT.


Título Autor/es Anáhuac Journal
A cross-destination analysis of country image: A key factor of tourism marketing Karla Barajas-Portas Sustainability (Switzerland)
The U-shaped crime recovery during COVID-19: evidence from national crime rates in Mexico José Balmori Crime Science
Metacognitive feelings as a source of information in the evaluation and selection of creative ideas Rogelio Puente-Díaz Thinking Skills and Creativity
Experiential gifts as meaningful moments and memories: Their influence on nostalgia, and relive intention Rogelio Puente-Díaz Psychology and Marketing
The great crime recovery: Crimes against women during, and after, the COVID-19 lockdown in Mexico José Balmori Economics and Human Biology
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Villar Patiño, Carmen; Cuevas Covarrubias, Carlos. Editorial de Prueba
Autopercepción y satisfacción corporal Silva, Eliud; Galicia, Gerardo. Editorial de Prueba
Modelling local patterns of child mortality risk: a Bayesian Spatio-temporal analysis Jacques Lartigue BMC Public Health
COVID-19 and women's health: Examining changes in mental health and fertility José Balmori Economic letters
The long downturn: The impact of the great lockdown on formal employment José Balmori Journal of Economics and Business
Druglords don’t stay at home: COVID-19 pandemic and crime patterns in Mexico City José Balmori Journal of Criminal Justice
La conciliación prejudicial en el ámbito laboral Verónica Lidia Martínez Martínez Dike
Newly regenerated axons via scaffolds promote sub-lesional reorganization and motor recovery with epidural electrical stimulation Carlos Alberto Cuellar npj Regenerative Medicine
Glycemic control, treatment and complications in patients with type 1 diabetes amongst healthcare settings in Mexico Sigfrido Miracle-López Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
Aleatory Trypanosoma cruzi Vertical Transmission in Chiapas, Mexico: A Case Report Sury Antonio López-Cancino, Marcos Meneses-Mayo, Sergio Agustin Islas-Andrade Iranian Journal of Parasitology
Cost-effectiveness of the regimen proposed by the International Consortium on Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia for the treatment of newly diagnosed patients with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia María José Díaz-Huízar, Alan Pomerantz Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy
Lumbar dermoid cysts: 3 illustrative cases and a total review of the literature of the last two decades Damián Carrillo Neurocirugia
The effect of enteral stimulation on the immune response of the intestinal mucosa and its application in nutritional support Gabriela Gutiérrez-Salmeán, Gabriela Quiroz-Olguín European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Pre-hispanic foods oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), nopal (opuntia ficus-indica) and amaranth (amaranthus sp.) as new alternative ingredients for developing functional cookies Marcos Meneses Mayo, Gabriela Gutérrez Salmeán, Martha Marcela Hernández Ortega, Georgina Uriarte-Frías, Miriam Magale Santiago-Ortiz Journal of fungi
Chronic consumption of food-additives lead to changes via microbiota gut-brain axis Verónica Freyre-Fonseca Pilar Abiega-Franyutti Toxicology