- You will achieve a comprehensive development of both artistic and technical professional skills.
- Highly experienced professors in the development of projects as well as public and private works.
- You will be able to carry out professional internships thanks to our agreements with renowned architectural firms, Architects Association, Chamber of Construction, as well as important links in the development of projects in municipal and state governments.
- You will have a university life that promotes social action, art, and culture, sports, student societies and other leadership groups.
- You will be able to carry out academic exchanges in other universities in the country and in the world; with the goal of completing the multicultural professional and academic development that the world needs, as well as practicing a second language and speaking it with fluency.
- We are accredited by the ANPADEH (Acreditadora Nacional de Programas de Arquitectura y Disciplinas del Espacio Habitable A.C.).
- We have participated in ENEA (Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de Arquitectura) in which we have obtained mentions such as First Place nationally in Group Stage, Third Place nationally in Individual Stage, Honorable Mention to the Proposal with the Best Technological and Representative Quality (ENEA SLP, 2011).

- You apply arithmetic, algebraic, and geometric procedures to understand and analyze real situations.
- You identify the correlation between science, technology, society, and the environment in specific historical and social contexts.
- You integrate and apply design knowledge in its several manifestations.
- You argue your points of view in public in an accurate, coherent, and creative way.
- You interpret social reality from the historical processes that have shaped it.
As an IEST Anáhuac graduate in Architecture, you will have the necessary skills to respond to present and future habitability challenges without compromising the current resources. You will incorporate skills such as space understanding, techniques, and skills to build them virtually and physically, and you will also have a vocation of service, entrepreneurial commitment and social responsibility.
You will be a socially responsible entrepreneur with solid comprehensive and professional training as well as a deep humane vision, who meets the necessary qualities to solve the challenges of habitability in a globalized society.
You will integrate the knowledge of avant-garde skills and techniques typical of architecture.
Communicates projects effectively, with a sensitivity characterized by a leadership committed to innovation and a vocation of service.
- Private offices.
- Construction companies.
- Research centers.
- Construction materials industry.
- Secretariat of public works.
- Projects and design department.
- Project manager.
- Sustainability specialist.
- Consultant.
- Structure specialist.
- Contractor.
- Construction manager.
- Construction site administrator.
- Designer or planner.
- Landscape architect.
- CGI artist.
- Model maker.
- Draftsman.
- You will plan, design and analyze urban development projects.
- You will manage and coordinate work teams for the progress of the construction.
- You will manage the human and material resources of the construction site.
- You will investigate the urban infrastructure and the impact of the construction.
- You will incorporate landscaping and sustainable urbanism into the environment.
- You will plan and implement strategies for buying and selling real estate.
- You will analyze, define and implement new standards for construction.
- You will use technology in the preparation of design maps and volumetric models with which you will present your projects to customers-users.
- Design Studio I: Design and Composition Fundamentals
- Basic Technical Drawing
- Basic Models Workshop
- Geometry
- Basic Sketches
- Architecture from Ancient Times to the Middle Ages
- Being university student
- Design Studio II: Architectural space and context
- Computer-aided technical drawing
- Advanced models workshop
- Analysis of architectural programs and concepts
- Advanced sketches
- Statics for Architecture
- Fundamentals of anthropology
- Interdisciplinary workshop I
- Leadership and personal development
- Design Studio III: Form and architectural program
- Basic digital modeling
- Interior architecture
- Basic facilities
- Architecture from the Renaissance to the XIX century
- Material resistance
- Introduction to urbanism
- Entrepreneurship skills
- Interdisciplinary workshop II
- Ethics
- Design Studio IV: Architectural and urban space
- Advanced digital modeling
- Graphic representation workshop
- Basic construction
- Pre-Hispanic and Colonial architecture
- Masonry structures
- Urban sociology
- Person and transcendence
- Leadership and high performance teams
- Design studio V: Architectural expression
- Modern architecture
- Theory and criticism of architecture
- Intermediate construction
- Sustainability and environment
- Reinforced concrete structures
- Entrepreneurship and innovation
- Classic and contemporary humanism
- Anáhuac elective
- Design studio VI: Architectural Recycling
- Contemporary architecture
- Water treatment, water harvesting, and alternative energy
- Advanced construction
- Landscape architecture
- Steel structures for architects.
- Social responsibility
- Interdisciplinary workshop
- Anáhuac elective II
- Design Studio VII: Urban design
- Permaculture life cycle
- Special facilities
- Sustainable construction
- Professional office administration
- Professional elective I
- Interdisciplinary elective II
- Design Studio VIII: Executive documentation
- Real estate promotion
- Project and construction site management
- Professional elective II
- Interdisciplinary elective III
- Design studio X: Advanced professional project
- Advanced digital design techniques
- Technical English in architecture
- Professional elective IV
- Proyectos X: Proyecto profesional avanzado
- Técnicas de diseño digital avanzado
- Inglés ténico en la arquitectura
- Electivo profesional IV