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Anáhuac Network students stand out at Technology Fair in Brazil

Anáhuac Network students stand out at Technology Fair in Brazil

The Anáhuac University Network celebrates the outstanding participation of three talented students from the Anáhuac University Veracruz at the 15th Paula Souza Center Technology Fair (FETEPS), held in São Paulo, Brazil. This international event is a key meeting point for young innovators seeking to present their technology and science projects to a global audience. 

Students Leslie Paola Vázquez García (Mechatronics Engineering), Darbien Elihú Miramontes Rivas and Saúl Alejandro Aguilar Bonilla (Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering) proudly represented Anáhuac with the "AgroTech" project, a proposal that combines technology, artificial intelligence and innovation to optimize lettuce germination. 

"AgroTech" is not only a showcase of Leslie, Darbien and Saul's talent and creativity, but also of their ability to respond to global problems in the field. In this sense, the experience they have acquired at this international event will significantly contribute to their professional development and their ability to face future challenges. 

At the Anáhuac University Network, we are proud to see our students shine on the international scene, and we will continue to support their talent and dedication so that they continue to excel in everything they undertake.